Saturday, March 29, 2008

She's a big girl now

Norah's tootsies barely touch. But she can hold her head up now and play in the bouncer cousin Avery was nice enough to give her.

Happy Easter!

Mmmmm. Rabbits!
We had lots of fun dying Easter eggs!

Norah's first frilly dress. Mommy loved it. Norah wasn't so sure. You can't see them, but her tights even had ruffles. What a girly girl!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Two months!

Norah turned two months old on March 9. We marked the ocassion with her first shots. No one liked the experience. Not Norah. Not mom.

She's 11 pounds, 11 ounces and 23 inches. The doctor reports that those stats put her in the 90 percentile.

Here are some recent pics of our BIG girl.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Let's try this again

I wrote the post below in August with every intention of keeping this blog up to date. Obviously that didn't happen.

So let's try this again.

In the eight months since my last post we added a beautiful baby girl to our family.

Norah Grace joined us on January 9 at 12:04 a.m. weighing 8 pounds 4 ounces and measuring 21.25 inches.

Time has been flying by. time. She started smiling at 6 weeks and is now discovering, with wonderment, her fingers. Her toes remain a mystery.

Here are two of our favorite pictures from the last two months. There's not enough room to post them all. Daddy has been busy proving that you DO take as many pictures of your second child.