Sunday, May 24, 2009

Chalk the walk

Mount Vernon, a small town about 20 minutes or so from our house, has an annual chalk festival the first weekend in May. Every year I want to go and every year we don't. Except this year. Scott and Norah and I went (Kaden was with his mom.) and it was great.

Exactly what I love about living around here! Summer festivals!

The festival brings in plenty of professional artists. But the coolest part (in my opinion) is that they choose a piece of artwork each year for the community to recreate on the street, with chalk. It's huge. Like more than a thousand square feet. They mark it off in 1-foot-by-1-foot squares and for a nominal amount you can get chalk and a piece of paper depicting what should be in that portion of the larger image. This year it was "Where the Wild Things Are," one of my all-time favorite books as a child. So I was pumped to be part of the art.

Once we got there, however, we realized none of us (mostly Norah) was going to have the patience it would take to do the job right. So we borrowed a few pieces of chalk and just drew on our own.

And then Norah decided her body was a much better canvas than the street for her artwork.

Scott didn't understand why was taking a picture of Norah's pants. But seriously. What was I thinking putting her in white pants. WHITE pants for a chalk festival. Duh. Stain remover and tide with bleach later, these pants still aren't the same.

But she had a blast.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

An evening with Daddy and Norah

Most weeks there's at least one night that Scott or I have to work late, usually both of us. Daddy's and Norah's nights at home without Mommy are generally very well documented by Scott's sort of neurotic photo taking.

An after dinner bath. Yup. We're still in the sink. Unless Kaden is with her Norah is freaked out by the big tub. That and the fact that our hot water is a dribble means that a sink bath is just that much easier.

Lovin' the new jammies.

Maxin and RELAXIN on the princess couch doing a little teeth brushing.

Mother's Day came early

I went to Des Moines last weekend for a friend's bachelorette party and I came home to a spruced up kitchen. Happy Mother's Day to me!


A new chandelier and using the table as an actual table instead of a computer desk!!


Check out the photo gallery!!


A computer desk!!!

Garrett and Morgan's wedding

My baby (and only) brother Garrett got married April 18 in Alaska. We weren't able to be there. But here are few pictures of the event. It looked lovely. Congratulations you two!!

The happy couple and Garrett's best man. For those of you who haven't seen Garret in years, or never have, he's the one on the left. Don't you love that Morgan got Mr. Macho Hockey Man to have a pink wedding!?

Love the cake!

Michael, Kelsey and Avery.

Easter 2009

Living two hours away might as well be five for as little as we make it back to Scott's parent's farm. Life just gets busy. But when the trips are few and far between they are extra special. We had a blast there on Easter.

Kaden and Norah in their Easter best.

A little Easter rough housing and baseball.

Norah's first tractor ride with Papa.

On the hunt.

Another one!

Chicago 2009

As long as Scott and I have been together we've had an annual tradition of going to Chicago over his spring break. This year that fell over Easter weekend. Which means we got a wicked cheap hotel room and were able to stay in Chicago two nights before heading home to spend Easter with the kids at Scott's parent's house.

Funny thing about Chicago. It's windy. And I left my coat in the car, which was valet parked who knows where. My prize. A new coat.

After seeing the Broadway musical Jersey Boys. The story of Frankie Valli. Not to be confused with Ricky Valens, who died in the plane crash in Iowa. That's what I thought it was going into it. Not so. Instead it's Frankie Valli of the Four Seasons. It was AWESOME!!!

Random right? Grant Woods famous duo MUCH larger than life in the Tribune Plaza on Michigan Avenue. Even wiereder was what was right next to this grumpy pair ...

A moose. It was like Alaska and Iowa symbolized right next to one another.

To the park

Scott had Good Friday off. So he and the kids took a walk to the park a couple blocks from our house. I love our neighborhood for a lot of reasons. But having two parks within walking distance is one of them. One of the things I'm looking more forward to about summer is trips to the park. And now that Norah LOVES to take walks (we go on one before we go to work/daycare each morning), I'm guessing she'll be up for it.

Eye Matey

So we went back to the eye doctor a couple of weeks ago and the glasses are definitely doing their job. She can see a lot better with them. But, her laziness isn't totally corrected by the lenses. Which means it's partially a muscle thing too. And that means we have to patch Norah's good eye for two hours a day so that the weaker one will have to do more work and her brain won't decide to shut it off.

We weren't sure how she'd take to it. So the first night Scott and I patched our eyes too.

She's been great though. Only once or twice has she taken it off before the two hours is up.

Baby animals

Norah is recently infatuated with animals, particularly woofs (dogs) and kitties. So I knew she would love a baby animal petting zoo. We met up with a friend from work and her daughter Kate. The girls loved the animals. Kate was braver than Norah, who wouldn't touch any of the animals. Both girls tried to spring the baby chicks and ducks from their home by lifting up the chicken wire.

Aren't the two sets of pigtails too cute!

Baby chicks and ducks right before these hoodlums tried to stage a jail break.

Brother and sister

People often ask me how Norah and Kaden get along. The answer. They adore each other. I don't know if it's because they don't see each other all the time or in spite of it. But, they can't get enough.

First Spring day

It's finally spring here in Iowa. Back in March though Mother Nature toyed with our emotions and gave us a couple of 70 degree days. Norah wasn't sure what to make of our backyard without all that white stuff.

It took a while to get used to our bumpy lawn. Last summer we had a family (or five) of rabbits or moles or something that turned out lawn into an interstate system of tunnels.

A rock. A precious rock. The first one of the year. It's still sitting on our window sill.