Thursday, May 1, 2008

An apple a day

Too bad Norah can't eat apples yet.
She got her first cold this weekend. Of course I blame myself because we took her out in the wind and cold both Saturday and Sunday. But, the doctor (and my own common sense) insist there's no connection between being in the cold and getting one.
Doctor? Yes. Doctor.
We overreacted and took her yesterday. Just a silly virus. But, on the bright side we got to get her weighed and now know that she's 15 lbs 9 oz. Such a big girl.
It's back to the doctor in another week for her 4 mo. check up (already? I know!). She'll get measured and weighed again. Mom likes milestones. So that will be fun. Unfortunately there will also be more shots. Which will most definitely NOT be fun.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Aw. Hope she feels better soon!