Our intrepid football fans
So back in the summer when it was 100 degrees outside we thought it'd be fun to get tickets to a Miami Dolphins game in Kansas City on December 22 with Carla and Dave. He's a Chiefs fan and anyone who's ever met Scott is well aware of his passion for the Dolphins.
I however didn't really think through the December factor when I agreed to this trip. Do you know absolutely frigid it is in an outdoor stadium in the midwest four days before Christmas? I don't either. We girls went shopping instead.
The boys know though. Their beer froze before they could drink it. Scott got punched in the stomach by a Chiefs fan after cheering for the Dolphins (who won. I don't remember the score though. Ask Scott) But they made it through the entire game. They were even nuts enough to tailgate before hand.

Proof they tailgated
Our Jeep smelled like grilled beef for days afterward. Any guesses how excited the vegetarian was about that?