In February, we noticed Norah's right eye wandering toward her nose. At first Scott and I thought we were just being paranoid. But then we started noticing it in pictures. So we made an appointment with the eye doctor. The diagnosis? Accommodative esototropia. Which basically means she is farsighted and her eye was going lazy in an attempt to focus and see properly.
So. We got glasses. For the first month or so we thought we would never be able to get her to wear them for more than a few minutes at a time. We tried wearing glasses ourselves. Book about kids with glasses. Dolls with glasses. Nothing. Then one day Norah just decided they were alright. Like everything else in her 15 month life, it has been on her schedule. Not ours.
These pictures are all from her first evening wearing the glasses.

The best part. The pink purse in this picture is what the glasses came in. Problem was she liked to take them off and put them in the purse so she could carry them around.
1 comment:
So cute!!
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