Friday, June 27, 2008

Floods of 2008

It feels like a while since I last posted and really it's only been a couple of weeks. But so much has happened in that time. In the last few weeks the Cedar River, which bisects the city, rose to historic levels (31.125 ft to be exact). As it did, it swallowed up entire neighborhoods and all of downtown. To make a long story short, this city will never be the same again. It's surreal working downtown, still no power and port-a-potties.

These pics are from Wednesday June 11. Scott and Norah walked downtown to see the river rising. Less than an hour after this picture was taken, they closed the bridges because the water was starting to come over it.

Look how high and this is just the beginning!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Gosh, I'm so glad you guys are ok!