Saturday, May 2, 2009

Chicago 2009

As long as Scott and I have been together we've had an annual tradition of going to Chicago over his spring break. This year that fell over Easter weekend. Which means we got a wicked cheap hotel room and were able to stay in Chicago two nights before heading home to spend Easter with the kids at Scott's parent's house.

Funny thing about Chicago. It's windy. And I left my coat in the car, which was valet parked who knows where. My prize. A new coat.

After seeing the Broadway musical Jersey Boys. The story of Frankie Valli. Not to be confused with Ricky Valens, who died in the plane crash in Iowa. That's what I thought it was going into it. Not so. Instead it's Frankie Valli of the Four Seasons. It was AWESOME!!!

Random right? Grant Woods famous duo MUCH larger than life in the Tribune Plaza on Michigan Avenue. Even wiereder was what was right next to this grumpy pair ...

A moose. It was like Alaska and Iowa symbolized right next to one another.

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